The Zelle Pensive: Daily Thoughts from the Designer
Mar 07, 2014
For a while I considered shutting things down indefinitely, because I was just too overwhelmed. Too tired and too behind I just didn't think I could push anymore. I got a 9-5 and proceeded to be normal, I got ample sleep and my health got better. but 3 months into it I started getting the itch back to create. The break was definitely needed super unprofessional of course, but I was about to die creatively.. doing 3000 plus orders in the span of a few months almost killed me. Time was not our friend. A break became a creative resuscitation...
Jan 07, 2014
ZELLHAUS, The New Year, and YOU.
Here at Z E L L H A U S we shut down the site for the last couple months. I was sincerely backed up and behind in completing orders. It was a long fall where we had issues with communication and getting orders out on time. As I had too much on my plate. I had help, alas, you customers voiced that the quality was not the same. So there I was with a large pile of orders and only myself to complete them. It took months but I have finally gotten down to my last few orders. For...
Jun 03, 2012
Free write: Ideas and innovation for future works
Dog fur grass clouds tiger stripes military stripes pin stripes nails finger print zombies thriller michael jackson movies pulp fiction favorite fight club edward norton F words what we don't talk about taboo sex pistols guns uzi's Don't be a Menace to Society While Drinking your Juice in the Hood Ideas for new pieces.