The Zelle Pensive: Daily Thoughts from the Designer

  • ZELLHAUS, The New Year, and YOU.

    Here at Z E L L H A U S we shut down the site for the last couple months. I was sincerely backed up and behind in completing orders. It was a long fall where we had issues with communication and getting orders out on time. As I had too much on my plate. I had help, alas, you customers voiced that the quality was not the same. So there I was with a large pile of orders and only myself to complete them. It took months but I have finally gotten down to my last few orders. For the new season I have regrouped with simpler pieces while I create a new group of one of a kind works (these to be released closer to Valentines Day). Z E L L H A U S will now only be selling pieces that are already made. If the item is sold out it is not available. I've hired a couple people to help out with customer support as well as another to help out with shipping so we can get orders out much quicker. I appreciate the support and the extreme patience as we worked out some kinks in the machine.


    We weren't ready for the high demand or the potential problems that could come with not having a set inventory. Honestly, I wanted to have a great artistic product available with an affordable price point and my ideals weren't realistic with the hard work that had to go into each handcrafted piece. I extremely underestimated finishing time especially blindsided by the fact I had to finish all the pieces myself... 3000+ orders since May by my hands. As we get ready to reboot for this upcoming season we are introducing new ways of connecting and letting you know what's going on! Make sure to check out our blog to see what's going on with  Z E L L H A U S! 2014 WILL BE SPECTACULAR!





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